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Wet Brain Causes and Symptoms of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

Research conducted by the Alzheimer’s Association estimates thatwhen caught early enough, approximately 25 of people will recover, 50 percent will improve and 25 percent will stay the same. However, once the syndrome has progressed to the point of no return—no new memories or experiences, no reversing the symptoms—the disease is generally fatal. The grim reality of chronic alcohol abuse is that the body can only handle so much; and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a tragic, heartbreaking consequence of the abusive nature of alcoholism. A failure to diagnose this syndrome leads to death in 20 percent of cases, and long-term brain damage in 75 percent.

korsakoff psychosis

The prognosis of this part of the disease will depend on when thiamine supplementation is prescribed to patients. Those who receive thiamine supplements early on are more likely to recover. With that said, they may still sustain some minor permanent damages to the brain.

I’m In Recovery

This explains why individuals with wet brain syndrome have a variety of seriousmedical issues.Heart and nervous system cells are extremely sensitive to a thiamine deficiency. Congestive heart failure and extensive cognitive impairment (“mush brain”) are often the cause of alcoholics requiring long-term hospitalization or nursing home care. Thiamine deficiency is strongly linked to the brain syndrome known as Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome or “wet brain.” It is mostly developed as a result of alcohol abuse. It is hard to know how many people may have Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome because thesymptoms are similar to the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal or intoxication at times.

What does wet brain feel like?

People who have the beginning stages of wet brain will experience symptoms such as confusion, memory problems, trouble focusing and keeping up at work or school or even in a conversation, problems with muscle coordination, and a slowing down of mental activity that can result in a coma.

As part of the treatment for wet brain syndrome, you will be given additional thiamine – usually in an IV or supplemental form – to help increase your levels. Over time as your thiamine levels increase and stabilize, you may notice an improvement in your symptoms. Wet brain, or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, is a brain disorder that is caused by a severe deficiency in vitamin B1.

Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change for Addiction

However, it is not well understood who has wet brain because of alcohol abuse or from poor nutrition. It is also not possible to accurately estimate who all has wet brain because many people with severe alcoholism do not seek treatment or are homeless and are not evaluated for the condition. However, current statistics show that more men than women have wet brain, and the age groups most affected by the disorder are between the ages of 30 and 70. Treating this nutrient deficiency may have a counterproductive reaction that is very commonplace with alcoholics. Besides sleep disorders and insomnia, you may also experience mood swings and alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

In general, if what is mush brain catch the disease early and are able to treat it, the prognosis is quite good. Thiamine supplements will improve most symptoms other than memory loss and cognitive impairment. The mortality rate for Wernicke’s encephalopathy is only at about 10% to 20%. Mortality only happens when the disease has progressed to its severe stages. You may have heard the term “wet brain” in connection with long-term, heavy alcohol use.

How to Prevent Wet Brain

This is because the wet brain symptoms of this part of the condition may not necessarily be obvious. When wet brain enters its second stage, the condition becomes much more difficult to treat. It is rare for the symptoms of Korsakoff syndrome to completely resolve.

  • While the most prevalent cause of Wet brain may be constant alcohol abuse, anorexia, and many other dysfunctions that drain thiamine may also be the reason for its development.
  • Thiamine, or vitamin B1, is a water-soluble vitamin that is vital to helping to covert glucose into energy.
  • And, unfortunately, the effects of wet brain can even lead to coma or death.
  • There is no cut-and-dry life expectancy for someone with wet brain; some people completely recover from the syndrome, while others deal with symptoms for the rest of their lives due to the brain damage.
  • These tests may include investigating your levels of blood alcohol.

But, if left untreated, Wernicke encephalopathy can progress to the second stage. Treatment often involves hospitalization and significant, long-term lifestyle changes. Seeking medical treatment is the first step of the treatment process for wet brain syndrome.

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